🙅‍♂️ Don’t go full-time indie unless…

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It’s almost 5 months since I started to work full-time on my projects.

My everyday routine was developing, getting out of my comfort zone, marketing, working solo, and sports.

I didn’t generate enough revenue to make a living during that time.

Still, I made revenues.

It matters the most as it is the first step where everyone must pass.

In this issue, I’ll share my insights about indie hacking during the past months and my plans.

Whenever you are ready, there are 2 ways I can help you
Swift Maker: The Ultimate SwiftUI Boilerplate Booster for iOS Developers that helps you ship apps during your 9-5 job.

ZapCardz: The simplest and time-saving way of learning and remembering forever.
Solo Journey Update
This week marks my coming back to freelancing. I will have limited time to work on indie projects.

However, I'll do my best to keep sharing Swifty Ship posts weekly based on what I learned for my apps.

Reality Punched me in the Face

I thought getting a decent amount of money by starting full-time was possible.

Spoiler alert: I was wrong.

I realize that indie hacking is more complicated.

It is possible to make money when starting full-time or even part-time, but it will take time to accumulate enough to cover living expenses.

For some, it can happen super fast, for others it can take much longer.

It is difficult to estimate when luck will strike to skyrocket product revenues.

Developing a project is easy and fast, but getting money from it requires more time & consistent effort.

When I started, I thought I could launch something and get revenue because of the efforts put into a product.

Years can be spent developing a product, but nobody will know its existence, resulting in $0 revenue.

Compared to what is traditionally known as salary or freelancing, this isn't comforting.

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